Sunday, December 13, 2009

give a man a marker...

i have recently been riding freights and greyhounds around Vancouver Island with some L.A. homies and chilling with ninja, as she is currently working in a hospital in the Cowichan Valley.
luckily my iphone had just enough life left to get this photo, post it on flickr and send it to Marc at Wooster Collective before it went all john doe on me. by the time i found a place to charge my phone, the piece was on wooster and my email was bananas. the daily what called me 'the thinking man's vandalist' and some other blogger added 'the poor-man's Banksy', both made me smile, been called a lot worse. i wrote this rhyme a while back and found it in a scrap pile, or a pack of files, i forget. i still haven't quite worked it into a song, but i'm working on it. the photo was taken on the beach at Maple Bay, on Vancouver Island.

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